Okay, for a thing I’m working on I need a part to be massless so I can move it, this works fine and all until I’m done with the object and I disable massless. The part just floats in the air until i jump up and touch it. I’ve tried setting a part above it to push it down and adding a force, but they didn’t seem to work. If you can help please do i think the script is irrelevant as massless is the only thing I’m changing, not adding anything into the part aswell.
Your title is slightly inappropriate. The Scripting Support category is to ask for help with scripting - not to make statements like that.
Can you expand on your script? Provide code? Are you running the script on the client or on the server? What you stated in the quote sounds like there could be some Network Ownership at play.
Massless only affects the BasePart if said BasePart is welded to another BasePart that has mass. Is this how you are using it? We need more information to help you.
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Sorry for the Inappropriate title. My part was welded to another, I just disabled massless on the welded part, thanks!