I’m excited to introduce MasVibrate, a multi-channel vibration (haptic feedback) system that makes in-game actions & events far more immersive. Whether you’re jumping, falling, taking damage or syncing beats with background music or sfx.
You can try it without reading this documentation. Just grab your controller and play this DEMO.
Why Vibration Matters
Immersion: Subtle rumbles boost the feel of jumps, hits or explosions.
Feedback: Instant tactile cues help players sense important moments, even if they miss visual or audio indicators.
Fun Factor: Well-tuned vibrations give your game a premium, polished vibe.
Core Features
Multi-Channel Logic: Character vibrations won’t override ambient music-based pulses. Each event (jump, damage, etc.) can have its own channel.
Balance (optional): Split intensities between left and right motors if desired or manually select small / large.
Fade & Patterns: Gradually ramp vibrations in/out or define wave/burst effects.
Plugin Support: Keep your logic clean by adding separate modules for Character or Sound events.
Quick Usage
Enabled = true,
DefaultIntensity = 1.5,
DefaultDuration = 0.5,
MinIntensity = 0.1,
MaxIntensity = 10,
Balance = {
Enabled = true,
Sway = 0.4
MasVibrate:Vibrate(3, 1) -- Intensity=3, 1 second
MasVibrate:Vibrate(2, 2, "small", "Sound")
MasVibrate:Stop("Sound") -- End the "Sound" channel’s vibration
FadeIn / FadeOut
MasVibrate:FadeIn(3, 1.5, "both", "PowerUp")
MasVibrate:FadeOut(2, "PowerUp")
MasVibrate:Plugin("Character", "Trigger", {
EventName = "Fall",
Value = distanceFallen,
MasVibrateSettings = MasVibrate.Settings
Official Plugins
Character Plugin
- Reacts to jump, fall, or damage events.
- Calculates intensity from “Value” (e.g., jump power or damage taken).
- Sends vibrations to a “Character” channel.
Sound Plugin
- Takes “Loudness” or “Volume” as input.
- Good for syncing vibrations with music beats or ambient effects.
- Uses a “Sound” channel so it won’t conflict with other events.
Get MasVibrate
Roblox Model
Uncopylocked Demo Experience
You can create a ticket on my server if you need help and you can see all plugin/module releases there
If you’d like to support continued development, feel free to buy one of these T-shirts in Roblox:
If you’re looking for an easier module for vibration, you can try my EasyVibration module.
Try MasVibrate in your projects, let your players feel every jump, collision and bass drop. Enjoy making a more immersive world through dynamic haptic feedback! It’s more magical than it looks.