Material Service Beta Updated with Per Part Custom Materials + More

This was a thing?! They should’ve added that and therefore it would’ve been so so much better

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I’m currently working on Sonic Speed Simulator, an officially licensed Sonic game by SEGA, where all of their environments need to be textured to follow the theme of a zone.

Our team is dying for this feature to be released to production! I can’t stress enough how much time we’re wasting to build out fully textured environments. Our team has to do some poorly optimized decisions because of this feature being held back from production.

In order for us to keep a consistency for the UV Tiling, we have to create terrain chunks and avoid stretching parts, as that would break the consistent UVScale

Our team is building out a new World for the game, and this picture is showing the use of Custom Materials. It’s quick and easy to build out environments with the new system. But this is no use for us, as production cannot see these results.

This extends the timeline of releasing new Worlds to the game, and also harms performance, as this is a lot of terrain to cover with unique mesh parts.

(What players see in production)

Please release this soon and save our team countless hours of having to remesh and harm the performance of our game because of this feature being held back for production.

I know the Roblox team is working hard to get this out and available to use in live games.

Could we get an estimated timeline of when we could expect this to ship? Cause our team wants to build around this new feature, but it’s a huge risk when there’s no estimate or expected time of release for this feature.

  • Thank you! :pray:

That seems really inconvenient to have to build around. I imagine the game would perform a lot better, especially on lower end devices if this was released sooner. Hoping they release it soon so you guys can start using it.

By the way, Hill Top looks awesome!


Will there ever be support for multiple terrain materials? You have no idea of the creativity we could achieve in our game that uses smooth terrain. It has been the one thing holding us back dearly.


In case you haven’t found the solution yet, the Asset Uploader/Asset Manager in Studio does allow you to select and upload multiple batches in one session.

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I’m not to worried about it, they are working on a plugin for it when they release the material library, looks promising so far

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Any update as to when this will come out of beta and be available in games?


still confused by this. if you don’t need to change the door wood texture, have the handle and the door in a single uv map. if you do need to change the door texture, either make multiple texture sets that include the handle, or make them two separate objects

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a metal fence should be a mesh anyway, a single plane


That’s a huge shame, I’ve been waiting for an update on grass for years. I really hope there’s going to be a way to have multiple colors for 1 terrain material at the very least, especially grass (or a way to enable grass on other materials). Having multiple colors of grass to make areas feel different would be great, especially in multi-biome maps. My game will feature tropical areas as well as a savanna.


When I read that you have waited years, I thought you were exaggerating, but I guess I was wrong. Hard to imagine it’s been almost 3 years since the decoration update.


Can’t way to see the Material Manager, will bring so much more to the Materials.


TerrainDetail has some interesting potential


Since we can make blocks would it not be a good feature to add wedge blocks and corner blocks to the terrain system or allow users to choose what percent of a voxel a material will take up?


Wow, just wondering, how did you do the generation script, and what’s the performance impact? Been trying to do something like that for ages, but I suck at generation scripts.

There is no script, it’s just built in terrain generation except I changed the terrain to Brick and WoodPlanks (the only current blocky terrain) and used MaterialService to make them look like Minecraft blocks

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and make their own textures instead of being locked to only bricks and woodplank texture slots


Within the next few weeks, we’re aiming to ship the last big increment to the beta, updated materials (via a switch) and Material Manager. After that, our focuses will fully shift to getting this enabled in-client and released. I know it’s frustrating seeing a beta of a feature that would help your project a lot but not being able to use it in production. We’re being careful and ensuring we’ve built a great feature and addressed feedback (like the breaking change we had to make to support per-part materials) before we focus on optimizing this for full release.


Hi, @sp1980 and everyone
so here is a better example of what i meant by Ability to customize a mesh texture under a transparent Surface apperance,
i am gonna try explain it better right now ( my explenation skills sucks and i am not english so)
but here is what i mean

Mesh with transparent surface apperance:

The changable texture example:

like you can see, i cant seperate the mesh in 2 because its too complicated for this mesh, and its consuming to keep using 2 meshes on each others, with the one with transparent surface appeance and the other one visible with the texture i want
And with this you will reduce the amount of textures in the game, now you need just one surface apperances and 2 materials that you can use everywhere, instead of making for every material and color i want for that mesh a new surface apperance

so i REALLLYYYY hope they will add this soon, it would make the update perfect
and maybe also add more values for transparency in surface apperance than just 0 or 1
and maaaaaybe, i would be really satisfied, the ability to change surface apperance colors


can we have a material like this?