Material Service weird color changes by distance and time

My wood material color will change after a bit for some reason and its really annoying
Before Material applied

When applied

After a bit but still applied

I have no idea why it gets darker but it does and I have no idea how to fix it

When you apply a material from material service, it’ll also apply a stock default material, which could tint it with the roughness, metal, or even normal map. That’s all I can think of.

Why is it distance based also then? and my wood one is the only one that does this

seems to be fixed by changing studio qualitysettings?

Wish there was a way to make it not Quality based

Most likely there is a plugin changing the TimeOfDay property. Try changing your studio graphics quality.

It seems to be a inbuilt thing to material Service, theres no setting to change the distance it does this at.