Material wont load? when loading blocks?

i made a save and load system for my game ( block building ) and uhhh the material wont load i get an error of this:

Enum.Material.Plastic is not a valid member of “Enum.Material”

can anyone help i can send script

Okay send me rn script

did you accidentally make a variable like this…

local BLockMeterial = Enum.Material

To determine a Meterial of an object you do


That’s why When you try to reference the Meterial of a part it just doesn’t work

ohh wait i did part.Material = Enum.Material[savedmaterial]

so should i try just

= savedmaterial

If the error in the first post is the exact error you are getting, you may literally be trying to access a property called “Enum.Material.Plastic” when you should just do “Plastic”. So yes, you need to do part.Material = savedmaterial.

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ok ye it works… who do i give solution @FirstMonthColumn or @Nami11255

Probably me. I don’t think @Nami11255’s response was related.

i mean i did kinda understand from them u just explained it in depth

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