Why, sometimes unions parts can’t change material or colors and I need to Separate so could change material/color of parts? No errors, but why doesn’t it work? Wasting time by separating just for it. Is it made like that? Do you get an idea about it?
Something we all had a problem with that makes no sense but something we have to deal with
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Well I also deal with it, but I just wonder why.
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Union colors and materials have to be all set to what you want before you Union them, since you can’t change them after.
That’s his whole question why thats a thing.
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Yes, I know, but why doesn’t it work after unioning part?
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I’m uncertain what you mean by this. You can’t change a unions color and material because of Roblox’s limitations with solid modeling.
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I think you misunderstood his question. He isn’t asking how to change it he’s asking why this happens.
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“Roblox’s limitations with solid modeling.” He already explained it in his reply.
Also, I don’t understand this post quite well. It would be simpler if you union after individually coloring all the parts.
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I understand that. It’s nothing more than the limitations of studio, that’s what I’m trying to get at.
this is incorrect, I am able to change both on any union I make?
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You have to enable “UsePartColor” to change the color of it. Material should change fine no matter what though.