So I’m wondering which I should use, there are Arithmetic Operators that do the exact same as a existing math
function, so im wondering whether or not to use it?
-- Division (Remainder)
x = 11
y = 5
f1 = math.fmod(x, y) --> 1
f2 = (x % y) --> 1
-- There is a math function known as 'fmod' which returns the remainder
-- There is an Arithmetic Operator known as 'Modulo' which returns the remainder
-- Exponent
x = 10
y = 2
p1 = math.pow(x, y) --> 100
p2 = (x^y) --> 100
-- There is a math function known as 'pow' which returns x^y (x to the power of y)
-- There is a Arithmetic Operator known as 'Exponent' which returns x^y