Math sin waves why does my script not working?

Can somoene tell me why my script doesnt work? I cant understand.

So what am I trying to do? I want that my coin goes up and down with a rotation itself.

what have I been scripting so far?

local Part = game.Workspace.Part

local Runservice = game:GetService("RunService")

local t = 0

	t += dt
	local PartY = Part.Position.Y + math.sin(t*math.rad(90))
	Part.CFrame =,PartY,Part.Position.Z)

You should define a “base” position, otherwise you are just incrementing the height.

local Part = game.Workspace.Part

local Runservice = game:GetService("RunService")

local t = 0
local y0 = Part.Position.Y

	t += dt
	local PartY = y0 + math.sin(t*math.rad(90))
	Part.CFrame =,PartY,Part.Position.Z)

Also, if this is a server script then you should use either the Stepped event or the Heartbeat event. RenderStepped only works in local scripts.