Mathematical problem for PlayerUi

I recently researched a way to “fix” UIListLayout, but I never found effective metadata, because I wanted to use “Scale” to serve different platforms without sacrificing the size of the “Frame”.

After breaking my head thinking about a method I managed to make this script that works perfectly: (for UIListLayout inside ScrollingFrame)

local Bases = workspace:WaitForChild("Bases")

for p = 1,#Bases:GetChildren() do
	local Clone = script.Sample:Clone()
	Clone.Name = "Number"..p
	Clone.Stage.Text = "Number"..p
	Clone.ButtonFrame.Button.Number.Value = p
	Clone.Parent  = ScrollingFrame
	CanvaValue = Clone.Size.Y.Scale*(p+1)
	ScrollingFrame.CanvasSize =,0,CanvaValue,0)
	for i,v in pairs(ScrollingFrame:GetChildren()) do
	if v.Name ~= "UIListLayout" then
	v.Size =,0,Clone.Size.Y.Scale/CanvaValue,0)

And now I am trying to create a method for “UIGridLayout”, but I am not able to think of a mathematical form for that.

My current script:

local StartCellSizeX = FrameProducts.UIGridLayout.CellSize.X.Scale
local StartCellSizeY = FrameProducts.UIGridLayout.CellSize.Y.Scale

	local CanvaValue = (StartCellSizeY+FrameProducts.UIGridLayout.CellPadding.Y.Scale)*(i/FrameProducts.UIGridLayout.FillDirectionMaxCells)
	FrameProducts.CanvasSize =,0,CanvaValue,0)
	FrameProducts.UIGridLayout.CellSize =,0,StartCellSizeY/CanvaValue,0)

in the correction part of the frame size is working, but Cavansize I’m not getting

if anyone can help me with this, i would be very happy.

thanks for reading :smile: .

ScrollingFrame.CanvasSize =,0,0, ScrollingFrame.UIListLayout.AbsoluteContentSize.Y)

I am creating mathematical forms just to not use this code, because when you use “Offset” it does not adjust the Frame according to the platform, only the “Scale” that adjusts, More thanks for the attempt. :smile: