For some reason the script I made will never print the result 2. Why does this happen?
local z = math.random(1 , 2)
while wait(1) do
if z == 1 then
elseif z == 2 then
I am not very good at scripting, but I assume it’s due to the two equal signs? Maybe only do one.
Are you sure it’s not working? It could be the fact that it’s random and you just got unlucky. Also that code is a bit inefficient.
No, the equal signs are correct. He is saying that it wont print the second result meaning it does print the first.
You have to add quotation marks around “1” and “2” for the prints.
try math.random(1,3)
also, try putting the declaration of z in the while loop so it changes
Not really, as shown here:
Put the math.random in the loop to make the result different
while true do
local z = math.random(1, 2)
Changing math.random(1, 2)
to math.random(2)
would do the same thing if you’re curious as giving only 1 argument would treat it the minimum as 1
and the maximum as the number you gave it
Looks like the problem was there (I haven’t played with scripts in a while so I’ve been a little forgetful, thanks)
Math.Random is pseudo-random (meaning “appears to be random”), though it returns a digit between the specified minimum and maximum range. A result of 2 is still possible like Embat shared via a loop though I believe the cause of it being 1 most often is likely due to how the method is retrieving the result on script execution and only executing once.
I would suggest you actively try to use Math.random for a larger range of numbers than what you’ve done as it would lead to a greater chance of variety, even if it’s not truly random.
Source - Lua Docs - math