If you multiply i within your trigonometric functions by a fraction of math.pi, you can slow down the spiral into something a bit more recognizable.
To truly achieve the effect, though, you’ll probably want something that generates parts that are equidistant from each other, since they will space out as the radius increases in this current model. I will try and come up with something and get back to you.
I guess before I get too far into it, let me clarify what you’re looking for:
You want a spiral that originates in one point, spirals around a sphere, and then subsequently comes back together on the other side, yes? Something sorta like these marbles?
No i just want some cubes floating around in a spherish pattern. the idea is to make them all equidistant that way i can just move them closer or farther to the origin based on some random value
In order to make the points equidistant, you’ll need to define their radius from the origin in each step, compare that to a constant desired arc length, and that will give you your angle for that particular step. I think everything will stay copasetic in regards to your growing distance from the origin along the normal vector, but it could come out compressed instead of expanding like it did in the first model.
If you want to customize it, though, you’ll need to define some parameters like width and depth that lerp over the duration of the loop.