Max Place Memory Size? / Max Studio Place File Size?

I think it’s not due to my internet since the “Publish failed” screen appears a few seconds after I press publish.

Well they obviously did something cause this used to not be an issue.

Hopefully it gets fixed really soon as I’m not able to work on my game for days because of the problem.

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If you are getting this failure instantly, its not the same problem I’m describing. The problem I am describing is an upload one minute timeout limit. You get the failure after 60 seconds, every time. Will happen with large places 30MB+ and slow internet upload limits < 5 mbit

I’ve had mail dialog with staff and they have finally pushed a fix for this upload timeout issue. I just published my 60+MB Grand Canyon to verify, it works now for me.

@IISato, FYI

uh ok swag, i guess ill call this a solution then

how did you get the untracked memory to 0 ?