Maximizing Potential: Asset Memory Usage

Sounds,Textures,Decals, Parts, CSG, MeshParts

I have the impression that using any of these in far excess of what the average game uses causes some problems. Particularly I’m aware that excessive textures does a number on any mobile device’s Memory.

So I figure I want to quantify my limits, and make a system that bottlenecks the assets safely near that limit. And I figure I would keep the overloading amount of textures ect. in ServerStorage and execute an order to distribute them into ReplicatedStorage momentarily for a time. Sounds nice, but really haven’t much a clue concerning how I’d put that into action.

Its possible you could find some stats on the limits for memory usage. But if not, just do some tests, fill up a game with a crap load of textures until it runs like crap. Best to do your test with a really weak device, the weakest that might be playing your games. Do the same for Decals, CSG, Parts, MeshParts, etc… Basically you then use this data to narrow down an acceptable memory strain on the server/client and keep your assets to that level. You’d also want to weigh memory with network strain if you plan on swapping many assets in and out of the game on the fly. My best guess, hope it helps :smiley: