Maximum Player Count Lifted to 100!

I’m in the beta program and there are the 200-player servers.


I didn’t realize the 200 player servers were a beta-only thing, so I read this and thought they lowered it for a second lol

For everyone that was capped at 50, this is awesome!

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I know it used to be 100 then was changed down to 50. Nice to see it back at 100! I think this will be very useful to developers who are not in the beta program.


100 player servers will be really useful for popular games such as Mad City and Vesteria.

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Nice to see that the 100 players option will be available for non-devforum users.

Also, is there a beta feature on the beta program that isn’t the 200 player servers? :thinking: I can’t seem to find anyone.


Biggest one I can think of right now is the new messagingservice feature and packages.


Graphics are rendered on the client, not on the server.
The graphics settings a player has configured on their client has no bearing regarding what goes on on the server.


Ah. thanks for that, didn’t know. Learn something knew everyday :ok_hand:


Thanks! Its a good update for Battle Royales,Airplane Groups.

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Will be there any wiki’s to help us to understand how to make the best use of a 100 player server since this has been released?


Would there really need to be? It seems pretty straightforward to me.

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Yeah it does seem so.
There’s multiple of developers who wouldn’t have a clue that humanoids can make large servers less optimal. Or to even just make their own Chunk system and whatnot. This is just to take some consideration for those who may not know that much about optimisation in this sense.

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Sounds like a good opportunity for a post in #learning-resources if you’re up for it :man_shrugging:


This is a very useful update for developers who plan on making/have already made any kind of an immersive open-world game. +1


Can we get much higher?
So high
oh, oh, oh, oh
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

If anyone joins any 100+ player servers, please take a video of it for science purposes :stuck_out_tongue:

Also there’s different use cases to consider. I think it would be nice to have a developer hub article about use cases and performance.


It is nice to see that you guys added 100 players back like back in the days with MEGA places!
Keep up the good work!

If you’ve been to MeepCity before, it should give you a perspective of well-scaled, optimal and functional >100 player servers. Specifically, 125.

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Amazing! I really feel as if this would be great for battle royale games.

This is great. Not sure if this has been optimized, but if it has this is great.