May someone check out my game

may you guys check out my game to see why my game is not improving?
you can see my game Here!

Game statics: 250 Visits
7 Favorites

Note: the description says 250 visits and i will update the game, and the game reached it so i will update soon!

Edit: the game is made by “alirobloxerpro” but thats what i use to make my games


I got teleported out of the map


A problem I had in singleplayer mode was that I got teleported into the map before it finished loading and died instantly. Maybe add a small delay before teleporting


Can you give me a little more detail so i can troubleshoot your problem?

Ok i will try to fix it

Edit: i have a lot of things to do, so it might take a while to fix your issue

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Ok, so here what i did to my game:

  • I made it that the multi game waits 5 seconds to load everything then the intermission and etc.
  • I also made the same thing into the single player mode but for a higher for players that has a bad internet connection
  • and what you said, i (think) i fixed your issue
  • i changed the description
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Change the single player intermission to like 5 seconds. There is no reason to wait so long, as you’re gonna play alone.