MDify - Convert markdown into native RichText




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Initially, I thought that markdown in Roblox would be a cool idea. Since markdown is an easy text manipulation language to use, I thought it would be nice to be able to use a function to convert native markdown to Roblox RichText. RichText uses HTML syntax which isn’t very ideal for the average user.

So I, present to you, MDify. There really isn’t much to talk about here other than the fact that it supports most syntax. Here is the supported syntax below:

  • **Bold Text**
  • *Italic Text*
  • ***Bold & Italic Text***
  • ~~Strikethrough~~
  • Code
  • __Underline__ (not supported by markdown, custom implementation)
  • ==Hightlighting==
  • :emoji:

Most emoji are supported, some newer ones may be not. You can also change the skin color of certain emojis like hand gestures, people, and (faces?) using an extra parameter.

That’s really all, it only does markdown :tongue:
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