Measure/get any shape's length through script. Is it possible?

Is it possible to get a shape’s width or length through scripting?
if yes how can I do it?
I’m still a beginner at scripting…
, thanks!

Depends on in what direction you want to measure.
If you just want to measure on the XYZ axis doing .Size.XYorZ should be enough.
Otherwise you can put it inside a model and call :GetExtentsSize() on it, I think you can choose an angle by setting the primary part of the model and rotating it in the desired direction.

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oh thanks for the info I’m going to try that right noww

it actually work thx. I’ll search more about the [ :GetExtentsSize() ] tysm

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You can use the MeshPart.Mesh object and the Mesh.Geometry property to determine the length of any shape. Here’s an example of measuring the length of a Part object tho remember this also works on mesh parts.

local part = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("Part")

if part and part:IsA("Part") then
  local mesh = part.Mesh
  if mesh then
    local geometry = mesh.Geometry
    if geometry then
      local length = 0
      for i, vertex in pairs(geometry) do
        if i > 1 then
          length = length + (vertex - geometry[i-1]).Magnitude
      print(length) -- Output: The length of the shape

MeshParts don’t have a .Mesh property.

Also if it did, your code would measure the total distance between vertices in order, not the length.

(the orange lines instead of the blue line)

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