Mech based game ideas

Hello, I have a working mech model than can wander around shoot bullets, launch missiles and etc .But I don’t have any good game idea so far. Anyways, I thought a game where you battle with zombie mechs, enemy mechs and gain control over bades but tbh it will take years to complete and I’m not that skilled ( Note: I’ll have to do it as a solo dev!) So what are your ideas? Should I create hero shooter, capture the other base style game or what?

If you are a solo dev and you don’t wan’t to spend too much time on this, than just add normal zombies that roam around, make killing them with your mech satisfying, add some buildings that can be destroyed by shooting missiles at them or by walking into them, add some basic gamepasses and a donation board.

Optional (this will take more dev time):
-Add a progression system, the more zombies you kill the more money you earn, with money you can upgrade your mech or switch parts like instead of missiles you have a spinning blade or a flamethrower.
-Add a melee system to your mechs, add a fly around system with a jetpack mounted in the mech

Basically an have fun with this mech sandbox type game

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