Mech Sword sheathe animation (WIP)

Mech-sword sheathe animation. Still WIP (as is the whole project itself)


nice!! but tbh its too linear
@batteryday just bypassed the limit somehow

I mean it looks cool, but the blade just blatantly phasing through the arm and no visible hinge or mechanism for the blade to rotate on bothers me a lot. It looks like it was modeled to be a basic slide-out deployment but the spin was added for flair.

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Yeah, the blade was originally not supposed to be there. But I decided to make it anyway despite me knowing that it would not work the way it should, since for it to look more realistic (with hinges, the gun parting to reveal the blade etc.) I’d need to rerig and reanimate a lot of things which I cannot be bothered with at the moment. Perhaps I will follow through with this at a later date, however.

*Since posting this I decided to remove the flip animation, so it just stays in its blade after it comes out.

I like how the model looks like!

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Thank you! All in-house proprietary roblox studio!

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The model is amazing I feel like the animation needs to be a little smoother.

An example would be when he swings his arm / sword he moves at the same speed the entire time instead of speeding up during the swing and slowing to a stop after the swing.

What I would do is change the easing style from “Linear” to “Cubic” or whichever fits best.