Mechanical Door Help


I am having this issue and am wondering how other games fix it:

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I don’t see the issue here
If you want the door to go straight up, its obviously gonna hit the ceiling
Theres a reason why the roof is either way higher or the door rolls back to be horizontal

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How would I do that?? Like Bezier Curve

Youd probably want to split the door into multiple smaller parts, and then yea, pa bezier curve would work.

Alternatively, just make the roof a big higher/flatter so that it’d actually fit

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I don’t know how to do that… Because it seems you know what your talking about, could you perhaps explain (or send .rbxl)

The size of your door requires multiple parts in order to build the same size with smaller parts. That’s all he is saying. Not to mention, you could also extend the roof and make it taller. If you do this, then the door will not push through the roof.

I’m not very familiar with how bezier curves work as I haven’t actually ever used them before, but the big idea is to cut the door into multiple parts horizontally so that they are stacked ontop of each other to form the current door. Then, you simply tween each of these parts through a bezier curve so that they can reform the door on the top of the garage without making the door go through some very goofy angles.

Is this what you are looking for?

this is a garage door with only one part.


YES! That is it! Where did you find that!?!?

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I didnt find it, i made it. And its really easy to make too

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Could you tell me how/send .rbxl :point_right::point_left:

brb im gonna send the .rbxl file

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@Ur_Dadeyyyyyy here it is:
Mechanical door.rbxm (6.2 KB)

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i might be a lil dumb, but how could I close this door??

@davcio12344 any update on this?

just set the targetposition of the prismatic constraints to 0.

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for anyone wanting to know:
Based on @davcio12344 advice I set it to -4 (the height of the door) which is the open position… 0 is the closed position

Again, really sorry to bother you but how can I prevent it from spinning?

Thanks @davcio12344

also I find it best if you wait ~1m and try it

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I forgot to update it, i accidentally included ballsocketconstraint instead of hingeconstraint. you can replace them, right?