
So, I wanted to add some interesting stuff, like an infective virus, or a pill bottle.

Here’s the thing, would Roblox be mad? The game is not promoting drug use, or any of such things, it’s mostly for roleplay (e.g: you get infected, or the pills grant full hp)

I’d like this answered soon, thank you!

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I’m not sure about the pill bottle but syringes I think would be moderated.
Safest is generic health packs or bandages.


Hm. Any other ideas I could incorporate a way of infection into my game (apart from physical contact by other infected)?

Rusty spikes, toxic sludge, or gas cloud…
Off the top of my head, what sort of vibe theme are you looking for?


A more medical one? In the game’s lore, the creators got sick with a deadly disease and there was a cure which unfortunately turned them invincible. I thought it’d be nice to keep the infection in a sort of container?

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Test tubes, Petris dishes, biohazard flask. Infected players could leave slime, or sneeze and spray the infection…


Oh, that sounds like the way to do it! And now I have the idea to also add a biohazardous zone. Thank you!!


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