Medieval Build on roblox


i really like the style of the castle!
i’d say maybe add a few more things on the shops
but that’s my only complaint.
keep it up ^^


I like the structure of your village and castle! However, I noticed some problems with your builds. I assume that you used free models in your game but it doesn’t matter. What matters is that they don’t fit in your builds.

Try comparing picture number 4 in the rest of your builds. The realism of trees in the 4th picture doesn’t fit your building style. Same with the use of statues. The statue doesn’t fit R15.

Here is a picture of what I mean:

As you can see in the images, the trees don’t fit the cartoony environment.

Other problems:

The roof frame in the first picture looks wrong, it should look like this:

-The interior of your building looks empty and large compared to the size of a player. I suggest using a dummy and decorating it.

-I don’t know what theme or style you’re going on because you used a lot of different models and textures. I highly recommend creating your own one to fit your own style or just follow the model’s style.

References and pictures from the internet that may help you:


Ok thank you for all the feedback I appreciate it. I just have one question if I were to sell this map which is like a 800x800 map how much would it be worth or in other words a good price to sell it for.

I have no idea about pricing maps but in my opinion, the map isn’t ready yet to be sold. It needs more development and fixes. 800 x 800 map is very large, it takes a lot of effort and time. You need more experience in building. Just keep practicing until you perfect it.

800 x 800 map compared to the size of a player:

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