Medieval Build | Roblox Studio build thoughts

Made in studio. A friend of mine rendered it for me on Blender, thoughts?


Looks good, I really don’t have a lot of feedback but add texture to the object in blender.
And that will give the object a nicer look to the scene in blender.


Look’s awesome! I don’t really have much for feedback because everything is looking perfect. It’ll be alot nicer when it get’s coloured. Keep up the good work!


This is very nice, only thing you need to add is colors but I am sure you already know that. Also are you working on a game or just building out of fun? :thinking:

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For fun, I started building for 3 weeks now because of a friend, it’s now a side hobby whenever I’m bored :wink:

Impressive for only 3 weeks, good job!

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I’ll start posting all of my earlier unfinished projects after I’m done with my final exams. Thanks for the feedback and kind words! I won’t be coloring/texturing any of my builds anytime soon because texturing is my weakest point as of now.