Medieval buildings - what do you think?

Recently I’ve been experimenting with building in a medieval style and over a couple of weeks I’ve created the following⚔️

I might use these to create a full showcase in the near future…

I’ll answer any questions and I’ll consider any feedback. Let me know what you think! :+1:


I love it, very well made and the style is constant and over-all good looking.

My project’s map builder made parts with similar materials/colors an union, so perhaps that could be of use for you (if you haven’t already), his work was very well made and optimized, so such good work you made plus any kind of optimization is a 10/10.


I like it! Everything about it fits. The scale, the colours, and the environment. I especially love the intricate details with the wood. The only thing I think you could add is the ‘ground’ material under where the barrels are placed. But other than that minor detail: 10/10


Create some more and you could make a MMORPG game!

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Fix the wood grain before I delete your build forever. :)))

Maybe you should start building interiors.

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Trees look free modeled and I will bring the full wrath of @WoodReviewer upon you for that wood grain.


The trees are from Roblox’s Forest Pack. I only needed them to help create the background to make the building look nicer :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Using free models is okay as long as you get them from roblox or someone you trust. Not only because of viruses, but also some people might upload stolen assets and using them could get you banned. (btw the build itself is great!)

Pretty solid builds in my opinion. Only thing I can think of is to add interiors like @Crazedbrick1 suggested. Other than that, keep up the great work friend! :slight_smile:


Amazing! It is so detailed but so fitting in its theme. Peoples’ eyes are more interested in pictures with more corners and to make such a build that is very appealing into the theme, it is very perfect. (Also I like the roof). I rate this 1E+24/10


Damn that’s a crazy build! Insane graphics and lighting too! Is that for a game or just for fun tho? 100/10 please keep building :+1:


It’s just a personal project - something to do in my free time. I think the medieval genre has a certain artistic flair to it which makes it very fun to work with.



Saved the last photo of the tower with the scenic trees, can just imagine the kind of games one could make with such an intricately beautiful medieval era style.


This is just amazing, I don’t understand how you guys can do this. Very good job :+1:


What other buildings would you like to see if I were to turn this into a full showcase?

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Would it be better if the welcome sign was not cartoony? It is the only piece that keeps the build from feeling medieval. Perhaps a more natural look of the welcome sign will greatly improve your creation.

There are plenty examples of wooden signs on alternative medieval games like Skyrim. I highly suggest you should look into that with research.


Something like this?


This is incredibly well built, I would say the house with one red roof and one yellow looks a bit odd, but other than that it is near enough flawless.

The new and improved ‘Welcome’ sign is definitely more fitting!


What colour should the roofs be instead?


this is incredible, i would love to see the finished game