Recently, I’ve been working on a map for my fantasy game - I’m not too experienced as a builder, so any and all feedback is appreciated!
The majority of assets were made by me, with a few exceptions, for example the grass mesh, the hay bales, the ice crystals - that sort of thing.
This map looks generally good but can you possibly find a way to improve the background areas where it is not “reachable” by adding more depth to it?
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I think my only complaint would be how flat the ground is, other than that, it looks great!
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I’m assuming you’re referring to the grey cliffs - I was thinking a skybox with more mountains could help with depth, but other than I’m not too sure. Thanks for the feedback!
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I also want to suggest that you should try adding trees too, for it to look slightly more natural so it’s not a bunch of rocks.
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Thanks for the feedback! I’ll try and add more verticality to certain areas 
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This medieval fantasy map looks EXTREMELY GOOD AND COOL! Nice job on it! How long did it take to build so far? What game will it be used in? The details and decorations are great! The map is fairly filled up which is good!
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I adore the style more than my dogs, which says a lot.
favoritism??? Them poor dogs . . . how could you?
Anyhow one other thing I noticed is that maybe the lighting could use some work? Maybe to make it match the theme more
Thanks for the kind words.
It’s hard to say how long it took because of how broken up the process was - I’d spend a weekend making some assets, then the next actually filling out the map.
Cant say exactly what the game will be right now because its still somewhat early. I’ll post a demo on here when I get to that stage, although that’ll probably be a while since I’m swamped with school work atm