Medieval House Model

Hi everyone!

This is my first adventure into building properly, I’ve dabbled here and there but scripting is where my strengths (if you’ll call them that :stuck_out_tongue: ) lie.

(Yes, I copied the design from a picture I found online. I’m not very good at creating my own designs ok)

Would love some honest feedback on how I can improve the build, I’m really trying to nail down on the quality of this project so it’s the best it can be! Any help would be much appreciated :smiley:

See pictures here




The bricks on the stone and the roof are pretty messy. On the roof, I can’t tell if the bricks are wedges or parts inside of the roof, but if they’re wedges, then make them parts, and if they are parts, then have them the same angle as the roof.

I really like this building and style, the colors are also good. The only tip i have is the smoke i should use other particles and not the circles.

It looks quite awesome. By the way was this made on studio or blender?

Do you have any good resources on how to make smoke look good? I tried messing around with smoke particle images and such but it always looked whack so I just put hexagons there.

My logic was that if the whole game uses hexagons it would look consistent and hence wouldn’t look too bad.

This was done entirely in studio, I have no idea what I’m doing in blender this is literally like my first proper build

No, i dont think i have a great resource. But if you do this at all buildings and stuff i think its kinda clean.

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Oh then that’s cool! Even if it’s made in studio, it still has that low poly feel that you would usually get from blender.

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wowow. I love medieval builds! This is great!

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This looks great but can we have a look on the insides?

Everything is great, but the roof looks very messy. At least try to make them precise, not random.

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Not bad at all, but the chimney particles definitely need to be changed. Maybe some hexagons?

this is just pure talent and effort. i LOVE it. cartoony style… .ALSO LOVE IT

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If you look really really carefully, they are actually hexagons but yeah I can’t really find anything that makes good smoke :frowning:

If you’ve got any tips / tricks it would be amazing :smiley:

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Inside is currently in progress :grimacing: will let you know when it’s done :slight_smile:

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Been into making medieval houses for a while,
and I quite like this one.

I’d only suggest to fidget with the transparency graph of the transparency and size graph of the particle emitters to make it look better.

I’d recommend using materials to make the build look more realistic. Materials also give the build more immersion and a better feel.


Did you get the reference from Fantastic Frontier? Looks amazing, also.

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