Medieval Town Feedback

My first market stall. What do you think?

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This is incredible!
I love the diversity in the buildingsā€™ heights and layouts, and having them match gives a sense of unity in the whole build.
Iā€™d make some more surrounding terrain (fields/farms, hills, mountains, a creek/river, etc.) and adjust the lighting a bit (maybe a sunset? The lights in the windows would make more sense then).
All in all, great showcase. Hopefully you can earn some Robux off of this with donation passes or something similar- maybe you can use the market stall as a fitting way to buy it/them!

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Thatā€™s actually an incredible idea! Thanks so much for your feedback as well! I wish I knew how to use lighting properly, but I will be giving it a go. The river idea is definitely one I will use! along with the mountains. Ill have a go at the sunset now and post an update, thank you!

No problem. If you click ā€˜Lightingā€™ and then ā€˜Propertiesā€™, you can change the colors of several things (fog, tint, etc.). You can also find a sunset sky in the toolbox and color-pick from it.

If you would could you look at this? I have added sunrays and stuff but im not sure if they are any good.


I turned my graphics quality to max, and the game looks amazing right now! I would still suggest changing the skybox to a sunset or night-time theme, but other than that, itā€™s incredible.

You can search up tutorials on YouTube on how to make your map have realistic lighting, you should check them out!

Thank you. I will try changing the sky box but I couldnā€™t find any nice ones.

I will!

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