I made this giant noob!
May I know what this is for? Depending on that we can identify if it is good or not.
You could’ve just uploaded a noob and made it bigger lol.
Is it rigged? Was it made in Blender? What are some cool features? Where is the robot part of this?
I see five cubes varied in color, length, and size with a head from the default Roblox “Rig Builder”
I don’t mean to be rude, I’m just wondering why there’s a need to showcase this.
If the noob itself walked around, or did anything cool like shoot lasers, that would be really cool! But currently it looks like you only took 5 cubes and made them different colours, which in that case you may need to add some other things to it to make it different from the ones you can get right off the models section.
ik but its more funny do the noob
i just did a big noob i put robot cuz idk, i dont know how to make cool things to my noob do : (
i just want show my big noob : (
Sorry for sounding rude.
There’s literally nothing special about this. It could be remade in 5 minutes. This doesn’t need to be on the devforum.