Member Not A Valid Member Even Though It Is

I’m trying to make an arrow that when clicked moves a player, however, I need to have a Boolean value for when I click the arrow for another script to read.

Here is the error from a normal script:

10:40:36.227 Clicked is not a valid member of Script “Workspace.Island1Tiles.Intersections.JungleEntranceIntersectionStraightArrow.ClickDetector.ClickEvent” - Server - ClickEvent:16

However it is so obvious that it does exist, any help is appreciated.

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try to put the value in ReplicatedStorage instead


Only reasons I can think of is that it might not have loaded in yet or that there is a spelling error.
Try adding :WaitForChild and make sure everything is spelled correctly.
If you’re referencing it from the script it’s parented to you can just do “script.Clicked”. So it would look like this.


I found it out, I just needed a .Value after. (*face slap)