Memes Tower Defense

Monster Production Journey Continues! :rocket:

Greetings, fellow Roblox enthusiasts! :star2: I’m Amineb10, the proud founder of Monster Production, and today, I’m thrilled to take you deeper into our latest venture with my friend NoamEtLilou. Let’s dive right in! :computer::video_game:

Unveiling “Memes Tower Defense” :european_castle::rofl:

Allow me to spill the beans on our second creation, the uproarious “Memes Tower Defense.” :joy: It all started when NoamEtLilou and I were engrossed in SCP Tower Defense. I couldn’t help but wonder, “What if we forge our own Tower Defense game?” Noam was skeptical, thinking every conceivable idea had already been taken. Undeterred, I insisted, “No, we can find something unique!” As we played, inspiration struck, and Memes Tower Defense was born. :thinking::globe_with_meridians:

A quick check on Roblox revealed that our concept was untouched territory! I dove headfirst into the game’s development, working tirelessly 24/7 to bring our vision to life. Noam, however, wasn’t initially as hyped. Despite his reserved enthusiasm, I persisted, and after five weeks of hard work, the game was finally published. Initially, it struggled to gain traction, prompting me to discover a game called “Pls Play” for advertising purposes.

The game’s popularity began to soar as players joined in! :tada: Noam, impressed by the success, became more talkative. I couldn’t help but wonder if his newfound interest was fueled by the game’s triumph or something else entirely.

A twist in the tale came when Noam mysteriously stopped communicating during a downturn in the game. Feeling betrayed, I decided it was time for a change. I assembled a dynamic developer team, welcoming talented individuals like Creamy, a skilled builder, GraceTheFox, and Zeyan200_gotdeleted, a scripting and building virtuoso.

The tough decision to demote Noam was made, and Creamy and Zeyan became the new Co-Founders. The game continued to flourish, reaching 17k visits and 180 likes. In the midst of challenges, Twight, my best friend and an invaluable tester, played a pivotal role in navigating the ups and downs.

Now, back to the game itself. Crafting “Memes Tower Defense” was no easy feat, but I received invaluable help from Gnome Code, a fantastic YouTuber boasting over 90k subscribers. His tutorials and addons were instrumental in the game’s creation. While there are still some features to add, our formidable team is up to the task.

Today, we’re tirelessly working on perfecting this project. This is the Beta Alpha, and I’m confident that the V1 will be nothing short of beautiful. Don’t forget to try the game and share your thoughts on what we can add! Huge thanks for your unwavering support – I hope you’ll love the game as much as we do! :open_book::sparkles:

Game link: 🎄Memes Tower Defense🎄 - Roblox


I’d like to point out that you weren’t really describing your game but team’s relationship. Remember that noone really cares that someone is your best friend, someone stopped talking, or who you hired or demoted. Talk about the game content, what memes are there, how does it work, how about maps, can I play it with my friends and all of the important information. Currently I’m unable to try your game, I’ll eventually try it sometime and write something I’ve found out what seemingly caught my eye.


Le jeu est bien et a du bon potentiel même si tu ne te perds pas dans le jeu, un tutoriel serait la bienvenue ! De plus le lobby est très petit, dommage :pensive: Le jeu en général n’est pas encore complètement adapté aux mobiles. (Voir capture d’écran)
Ce jeu est bien réalisé, entrainant ! Continuez comme ça !


Un immense merci pour votre commentaire! Nous sommes toujours en phase Beta Alpha, et je suis convaincu qu’avec un peu d’assistance, nous pouvons accomplir des choses formidables dans ce jeu qui regorge de potentiel. Votre soutien est précieux, et nous sommes impatients de partager davantage avec vous au fur et à mesure que notre aventure se poursuit. Restez à l’écoute pour les futures mises à jour et améliorations! :star2::video_game:


J’avais oublié la capture d’écran :sweat_smile:


I’ve made some adjustments and plan to add more tomorrow. I genuinely hope you enjoy the game! Your support and feedback are crucial to us, and we look forward to sharing even more with you as the project evolves. Stay tuned for upcoming updates and improvements! :rocket::open_book:


mdrrrrrrr. Oh ouais, je ne l’avais pas vu non plus XD. De plus, nous sommes en train de refaire le menu car j’ai engagé un designer UI. :smile::sparkles:


Good game. I see some bugs in the game (my tower troops aren’t attacking…) Improve your GUI, Create a tutorial (must-be-watched tutorial).


In the upcoming update, we revamped the UIs as we’ve brought on board a new UI designer. We also addressed a bug related to the towers and introduced a brand-new tower to the game. Thank you for your feedback; it’s immensely helpful! :star2::hammer_and_wrench:


Thank you for including me in this post. I love working on this game with you and the other developers! heres a little leak of what is coming soon :slight_smile: . (i didnt make this @halo_375 did.)

do not worry about the issue with the text that has been fixed.


The UI is real tragedy, not gonna lie.

Target and Sell buttons aren’t centered, arrow icons aren’t in the middle of the stats values.
Outside this small piece, tower description in tower inventory is barely visible, and also there are lot of english errors.
Gameplay is playable though, unfortunately the game is called “Memes Tower Defense” but I saw like only 3 meme towers, one of them isn’t even meme, and 3 owner towers?
I understand you’re so happy for this game, that you need to put your nick on multiple places, but don’t do this.Noone’s really gonna say “Woah! I want this amineb10 tower!”, keep them in the game, but hide them from the tower list, make it a “Secret tower”.


All of the ui stuff has been fixed already as i said. The Memes are the enemies not the towers only some of the towers are. And yes sometimes we do use our selfs as towers. towers that are badge towers are hidden until you own the badge.


One question what do you mean by

as in that ui i dont see any english errors (maybe im stupid but i do not see any.)


What do you mean by a must be watched tutorial?


This suggests implementing a tutorial system to guide players on what needs to be done in the game. :books::video_game:


please stop using ai lol it is not good for you lol


This version of the ui is outdated.


Sorry for the quality but my pc is not that good here’s a video with the new update ui’s. Also the little things in the left bottom corner are gonna be changed.


Its alot better now. The arrows are still not centered and about the stats, when you max a tower, it shows Maxed -> Maxed, I still wanna know the damage value, so it would be better just showing the damage number.
How about the voting system? If I’m alone in the match the voting should automatically go to the mode voting when I select the map, but that’s just a quality of life change, nothing important.


The arrow is text so it does move its self if im wrong let me know because i dont do ui lol