Memory Leak Check


Can anyone check this for memory leaks?

local RunService = game:GetService('RunService')

local Parts = {}

function CreatePart(Connection1, Connection2, HoseDiameter, HoseColor, Parent)

	local newPart ='Part')
	newPart.Color = HoseColor
	newPart.Material = Enum.Material.Sand
	newPart.Shape = 'Cylinder'
	newPart.Locked = true
	newPart.CanCollide = false
	newPart.Anchored = true

	local n  = HoseDiameter
	local x1 = Connection1.Position.X
	local x2 = Connection2.Position.X
	local y1 = Connection1.Position.Y
	local y2 = Connection2.Position.Y
	local z1 = Connection1.Position.Z
	local z2 = Connection2.Position.Z

	--Assuming Positive
	local L =  math.sqrt((x1-x2)^2+(z1-z2)^2)
	local Length = math.sqrt(L^2 + (y2-y1)^2)

	if x2 - x1 < 0 and z2 - z1 > 0 then
		L = -L

	if x2 - x1 < 0 and z2 - z1 < 0 then
		L = -L

	local Angle  = -(math.deg(math.atan((z1-z2)/(x1-x2))))
	local AngleV = -(math.deg(math.atan((y1-y2)/L)))
	local PosX   = (x1+x2)/2
	local PosY   = (y1+y2)/2
	local PosZ   = (z1+z2)/2

	if x2 - x1 == 0 then
		AngleV = -AngleV

	if x2 - x1 < 0 and z2 - z1 == 0 then
		AngleV = -AngleV

	if x2 - x1 == 0 and z2 - z1 == 0 then
		Angle = 90

	newPart.Size =, n, n)
	newPart.Orientation =, Angle, AngleV)
	newPart.Position =, PosY, PosZ)
	newPart.Parent = Parent

	return newPart

	for _, Part in pairs(Parts) do
	for _, Hose in pairs(game.Workspace:WaitForChild('TakenHoses'):GetChildren()) do
		if Hose:FindFirstChild('Node2').Value and Hose:FindFirstChild('Connection2').Value then
			local Node = Hose.Node2.Value
			local Connector = Hose.Connection2.Value
			local Diameter = Hose.HoseDiameter.Value
			local Color = Hose.HoseColor.Value
			local Part = CreatePart(Node, Connector, Diameter, Color, Hose)
			table.insert(Parts, Part)

I’m not sure where there could be a memory leak, as it doesn’t seem as it’s communicating client/server so I don’t really know what you mean. Bear in mind, I’m not an expert on this stuff, I just believe it’s highly unlikely.

If you are quite concerned, instead of using Part:Destroy(), I tend to use :Remove() as it automatically sets it to nil and removes it safely.

I got told there would be a memory leak somewhere in hear or smth - It’s a Local script but I didn’t know if it was table related or smth?

Many Thanks for :Remove though I’ll change it now

Oh okay, it just seems unlikely and I think the ROBLOX developer community gets too stressed around memory leaks and makes it sound really dramatic.

memory starts at 2000 mb then when hoses memory using up to 2200 and when I put hoses back onto the truck it goes to 2100

It causes client lag heavily apparently

Perhaps it’s because you never appear to be emptying the Parts table? You call :Destroy() on the parts, but never actually remove them from the array. So you have a bunch of nil parented instances that can’t be picked up by garbage collection, because the table is maintaining references to them.

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This is true! clear out that parts table.

Memory leaks crash servers babe :heart:
They’re not that bad on a small scale for a short amount of time (usually), but I recall working on a game in which servers just crashed out of the blue after only a few hours of uptime. Iirc, it was caused by just one memory-leaking script.

Now for the reason why I’m writing this post:

Do not do this. Instance:Remove() is deprecated and can actually cause more memory leaks. Instance:Remove() does not disconnect connections made to events related to the instance, meaning that they’re just floating around in memory somewhere. Meanwhile, Instance:Destroy() does. Instance:Remove() also does not lock the parent property once it’s called. There is never a good reason to use Instance:Remove(). Do not use Instance:Remove(). I’m not saying this to be mean, I’m saying this because I do not want you to tank your game.

I strongly urge you to change it back to Instance:Destroy().

Do not use Instance:Remove().

:Destroy() docs
:Remove() docs

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