Memory Store API Request Quota Misleading

We have switched some of our leaderboards to using MemoryStore and we are hitting the request cap. This is causing our leaderboards to not work anymore.

Getting request units exceed the allowed limit

We are only using 20% of the request units

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You hit the per-partition limit: Partitions and Data Distribution | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

It seems that the per-partition limit isn’t shown through any analytics? Is there plans to show this more clearly in the future? It feels very misleading with how it says: request units exceed the allowed limit

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It would be difficult to display per-partition requests since each experience has over a thousand partitions and a thousand of lines won’t look good on a graph. We will consider other improvements that would make the situation clearer when requests are throttled due to partition limit. TBF, the error message does say “The request units exceeded the allowed limit for the partition”. Perhaps the message could be clearer.