Memory store queue takes a long time for readAsync to properly update

So pretty much if I add 20 things to a memory store queue then run through it like so:

local s,r = pcall(function()
					local items, id = MasterTaskQueue:ReadAsync(1, false, 0)
					if items and #items > 0 then
						local Task = HttpService:JSONDecode(items[1])
						if Task and Task.Channel == i then
							table.insert(WebhookChannels[Task.Channel].Tasks, Task)

The above function is in a while loop.
Items actually keeps returning nil for a long time. Maybe even 10 seconds before it finally gets to the next item, then it keeps returning nil again for a whole nother 10 to 20 seconds before actually returning something. Why is this? Its not a delay with add async as they all are already added at this point.

Have you tried adjusting the timeout time for the request? By having it as 0, you are giving the queue 0 seconds of time for the request before it is terminated. I would suggest trying to leave it blank and just trying

MasterTaskQueue:ReadAsync(1, false)

Hello, you do not have enough details for me to determine the problem. However, there are several reasons why you might be experiencing this issue. Here are some possibilities:

  1. Rate Limiting: Roblox DataStore has built-in rate limiting. Each game is allowed 100 read/write requests per minute, with an additional 60 requests per minute allowed per server running the game. If your game is exceeding these limits, further requests will fail until the limit resets. This could be the reason why ReadAsync is returning nil.
  2. DataStore Latency: There can be significant latency when accessing the DataStore service, depending on the current load on Roblox’s servers and other factors. This can result in delays when reading or writing data.
  3. Concurrency Issues: If you are using a while true do loop without a wait() statement, you could be making read requests faster than the DataStore can handle, resulting in nil being returned.
  4. Error in Data: If an error occurs during the reading of your data, ReadAsync will return nil.
  5. Error in Data Encoding/Decoding: If there is a problem with the data encoding or decoding with HttpService:JSONDecode, it could result in nil values.

Without more information, it’s difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of your problem. But based on your explanation, it seems that you might be running into rate limiting or latency issues with the DataStore service.

Here’s a slightly modified version of your code snippet that includes a delay in the while loop and error logging:

while true do
    local s,r = pcall(function()
        local items, id = MasterTaskQueue:ReadAsync(1, false, 0)
        if items and #items > 0 then
            local Task = HttpService:JSONDecode(items[1])
            if Task and Task.Channel == i then
                table.insert(WebhookChannels[Task.Channel].Tasks, Task)
            print("Items is nil.")
    if not s then
        print("Error: ", r)
    wait(1) -- add a delay

The added wait(1) will slow down the rate of requests to DataStore, which could help avoid hitting rate limits. The added error logging will help you identify if there are any errors occurring during the reading process.