This is a Server Matchmaking plugin that uses Memory Store.
Game Servers add and remove themselves from the Memory Store as they spin up and shutdown.
Lobby Servers teleport people to the available servers.
After installing the plugin, select the server type. (Game or Lobby Server)
Select the Version you would like to install. (Github Version)
Click update. When update is clicked the latest code is pulled from Github.
Lobby Server
In ServerScriptService script require the module.
local MSSP = require(script.Parent["MSSP-Lobby-Module"])
Then, in your onPlayerAdded function, load the server admin gui for your admins.
local ServerAdminGui = MSSP.LoadGui(player)
In an Event, add the player to a server.
MSSP.TeleportToFirstAvailableServer(player, PlaceId)
Game Server
In ServerScriptService script require the module.
local MSSP = require(script.Parent["MSSP-Game-Module"])
Configure the Module
MSSP.Configure(ServerName, ServerMaxPlayers, PlaceId)
Then, in your onPlayerAdded function add the player to the server.
MSSP.AddPlayerToServer(player, #Players:GetChildren())
Then in your onPlayerRemoved function remove the player from the server
Development Milestones:
Server Admin Gui on Lobby Servers ā
Game Server Module Creation ā
Populating logic for Game Servers
Testing / Bug Fixes

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Help Us
We have set the project up for easy contribution.
If you would like to contribute, check our forum page out, and goto our Guthub.
Download the Repo.
Then, submit a pull request.