I am using MemoryStoreService to have a lobby/server system for my game, servers self report their status/players/etc and lobbies access this data to display a list of available servers.
I am orders of magnitude below the quota for MemoryStoreService, and orders of magnitude below the limits for individual MemoryStore keys, however I am still regularly hitting TotalRequestsOverLimit errors during player count spikes.
Does anyone have any idea if there are any undocumented MemoryStore limits that could be causing this?
Does anyone have any suggestions for alternate implementations that could solve this?
I was considering sharding my data across multiple memory stores, but without knowing what limit I am hitting that seems like a waste of dev time.
I am well below the quota shown on analytics for overall MemoryStore API units, I am also well below the 100,000 requests per minute on a single key.
Attached are screenshots of Analytics error reports and memory store data over the same time period.