Memory usage too high... no idea why

I’ve been working on a small place for the past month and its performance has always been a little shaky when I first started working on it. Usually I like to develop the place by its design first and prioritize fixing performance issues after.

At this step of the project I’ve spent countless time and effort attempting to fix the issues at this place. I’ve called other friends who are developers to assist and we’re still stuck with what this could possibly be. I’ve dissected this place down to every last brick and it still ends up consuming more memory than any of my other places for seemingly no reason.

I’ve attempted the following:
Disabled all local/server and then all scripts
In-game destroyed all of workspace
Changed lighting settings and removed any detailed lighting
Deleted a majority of the workspace from studio and entered in-game
We’ve optimized minor details
I made an entirely new place and moved everything there

  • First time joining the memory usage was 200 less than before but after rejoining after each attempt it jumped back to its average of around 800.

Right now the place on average takes up about 800 and after deleting everything it still averages higher than any of my other places at a good 500 which is about the same.

If anyone knows the cause of this type of thing, please let me know.
This is the place: The Noble Blade Mansion - Roblox

Thanks ahead of time. I’ll be in-game trying figure out any issues I can find.


This is known as a game memory leak… It can be caused by many things, but here are some things to check.

  1. Is your game using
game.ItemChanged -- or any other repeated loops to check for things?
  1. Check your free models (If you have any), some free models may contain viruses or using scripts / other Api’s that is causing lag.

  2. If you have an anti-cheat in your game that might be why, if it’s server-sided that will cause memory spikes if written poorly.

  3. Parts being consonantly added to the game. Or even removed if its at mass.

I can try to go into the game and see what I find and DM it to you, You can also go into the DevConsole Witch looks like this.

You want to go to where it says memory next to where it says “log” and see if anything is over 700MB usage. The average usage is from 300 - 900MB (It can also sometimes jump to 1.2k but shouldn’t go over that.)

Hope this helps.


I do have a constant loop but it’s controlled. Just in-case, we’ve tried disabling the loop from studio and entering the game to see if it made a difference and it didn’t work.

Any re-used models and otherwise free models – if I added any I always make sure to check them thoroughly and it’s typically a roblox verified model. Even so I always double check it.

I’ve developed my own anti-cheat for the game and regardless I removed it to check if that was also causing the issue and it didn’t work.

No parts are being added to the game or removed in mass. I made sure to disable all scripts in a test version of the game.

In the dev console I couldn’t find any helpful information I’ve been checking the client memory and there is a lot coming from untracked memory which is making things somewhat difficult.

If you could look into it any further I would appreciate it a lot, thank you for the help.