MemoryStoreService: Cross-server trading?

I’m trying to use MemoryStoreService to make a cross-server trading system, where players and the system can buy, sell or bid on resources.

Since MemoryStoreService has a limit of 45 days,players trades will be able to be online for between 15 miniutes to 7 days. But I don’t know whether to use SortedMaps, SortedQueues or HashMaps. For context, the type of data for non-biddable items sold are of such:

object is a dictionary, indexed by the element and valued by the proportion of that element in the resource.

What do I use to be able to filter out pages for non-bidable and bidable sales. I.E pages can be selected with page size and page number, and then each sale object having some sort of number ascosciated to them, which can be used when bidding up or buying a resource on sale.

Also is there a way to filter based on the composition (what object index represents)?

figured out how to in theory make a bidding system, haven’t tested it yet though

Have you been able to use HashMaps? they throw this error to me:

Nope, ive tried and i get that error too

Has MemoryStoreHashMaps been deprecated? It does not show as such in Creater, but me and others have experienced the error “This object is not currently available.” when trying to use the method.

This is particually annoying for me because I don’t think that the other MemoryStoreService options would work for a cross-server selling/auction system.

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I decided to just use MemoryStoreSortedMaps ignoring the sorting.