MemoryStoreService: 'InternalError: Unknown Error' for all HashMap async methods

Hi, I’m getting this error whenever I run any MemoryStoreHashMap async methods.

This is a blank place, running this code in a script:

local MemoryStoreService = game:GetService('MemoryStoreService')

local Map = MemoryStoreService:GetHashMap('Test')
Map:SetAsync('Test', 10, 50)

I am not getting these errors for SortedMaps, they seem to be working fine.

Reproduction steps: I don’t know if this is happening to anyone else, but it is to just open a blank place, publish it and run the code above. This happens in both studio and player.
I also ran this code in a live server of 🏍️ Dealership Tycoon 🏎️ Cars! - Roblox and got the same error

Operating System: Windows 11
Location: United Kingdom

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This API is in Private Beta right now. We will be releasing it to the public very shortly. In case you’d like to use HashMaps, please respond with what universe id(s) you would like to enroll in the Beta.

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Oh that’s my bad I had no idea. I’ll just use a SortedMap then


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