Menu background feedback

Hi! I coded the menu background for my game, what do you think?
There’s no map yet.
(Please rate only the background)
Imgur link as it’s too big to upload here.

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I love the style of the menu, as someone who doesn’t do menus, this is great! Love the simplistic style, but my only think is, will the players have to wait till the loading screen ends? Or if they click fight they’ll load in game?

They can either choose a character, and then click Fight to pick a character, or they can click Fight and fight with a random character. Not sure what you mean by loading screen? There is none at this moment in time.
And thank you for the feedback! :slight_smile:

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will the players have to wait till the loading screen ends?

Sorry, I use loading screens in my game! I get confused. To me, They are both the same,Haha sorry! But anyways, That is a really cool feature! Good-Luck on your game! :slight_smile: :speech_balloon:

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