Im making a menu for my game, though the menu envolves camera that tween between one another. Though when the ‘Play’ button is clicked by the player the player’s camera doesn’t stop looping like it should and return to the player, instead it starts looping the camera between the camera parts and the player repeatedly. if anyone knows the way round this i’d highly appriciate some help.
– Services
local TweenService = game:GetService(“TweenService”)
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService(“ReplicatedStorage”)
local Players = game:GetService(“Players”)
local Workspace = game:GetService(“Workspace”)– Objects
local Camera = Workspace.CurrentCamera
local CameraPointsFolder = Workspace:WaitForChild(“CameraPoints”) – Folder where all camera points are stored
local GUIFunctions = require(script.Parent.GUIFunctions) – Assuming GUIFunctions is in the same folder– Event for the Play Button
local MainMenuEvent = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild(“MainMenuEvent”)– Get all camera points and sort them by name
local CameraPoints = CameraPointsFolder:GetChildren()
table.sort(CameraPoints, function(a, b)
return tonumber(a.Name) < tonumber(b.Name) – Ensures cameras are sorted in correct order
end)– Variable to track if the play button has been clicked
local playClicked = false
local currentTween – Store the current tween to cancel it if needed– Function to transition camera between points (tweening)
local function TweenBetweenCameras(startPoint, endPoint, duration)
if playClicked then return end – Stop immediately if play is clickedlocal startPosition = startPoint.Position local endPosition = endPoint.Position -- Tween the Camera's CFrame position while keeping the camera's current orientation intact currentTween = TweenService:Create(Camera,, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut), { CFrame = -- Moves the camera to the next position }) currentTween:Play() currentTween.Completed:Wait() -- Wait for the tween to finish -- Stop the tween early if playClicked is true if playClicked then currentTween:Cancel() end
– Function to teleport the camera instantly to a point (no tweening)
local function TeleportCamera(point)
Camera.CFrame = – Instantly teleport to the point
end– Main function to handle the camera transitions
– Wait until the menu is visible
repeat task.wait() until GUIFunctions.MenuFrame.Visible-- Control the camera after the menu is visible GUIFunctions:ControlCamera(true) -- Set camera instantly to Camera 1 on load TeleportCamera(CameraPoints[1]) -- Loop through camera points and perform transitions continuously while not playClicked do for i = 1, #CameraPoints - 1 do if playClicked then break end -- Exit loop immediately local currentPoint = CameraPoints[i] local nextPoint = CameraPoints[i + 1] -- Tween between cameras TweenBetweenCameras(currentPoint, nextPoint, 4) -- 4 seconds to tween -- If we reach the last camera, teleport back to the first if i == #CameraPoints - 1 then TeleportCamera(CameraPoints[1]) -- Teleport to the first camera instantly end end end
– Event to stop the camera cycling when Play button is clicked
MainMenuEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, Action)
if Action == “Play” then
– Set playClicked to true to stop camera cycling
playClicked = true-- Cancel any ongoing tween if currentTween then currentTween:Cancel() end -- Stop camera cycling and allow player to control the camera GUIFunctions:ControlCamera(false) -- Instantaneously move the camera back to the player local playerCharacter = Players.LocalPlayer.Character if playerCharacter and playerCharacter:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then Camera.CFrame = end end