Menu Output and output of tables!)[LITTLE FEATURE][Beginners]

Hi, guys!) I’ll tell you about a little roblox feature.) I noticed this when I was using different devices. Did you know that you can output a table and not get something like table: fj3g32g424422. Without creating a loop or using some internal functions of roblox. You just need to off check mark in menu output-Setting(three point)-Log Mode (off) and print(table) And you’ll see the magic.

this should be in #resources:community-resources / #resources:community-tutorials

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This topic is too small. She’s not needed there. This is a small tutorial, but a useful feature that I didn’t know about, I searched on the forum, spent an hour or two and then found how to fix it myself.)))

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Either way, it doesn’t belong in Scripting Support.

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you need to know the fact that this has been discovered for ages.