Meraki - Affiliate Information

:ocean: Meraki Affiliate Information

:handshake: Thank you for your interest in establishing a mutual and healthy partnership with Meraki! We love interacting with communities and seeing what two groups are capable of doing together. To form a partnership with Meraki, your group is required to meet our requirements. If you meet all requirements, feel free to construct an affiliate application for Meraki on a google document and submit it to one of our Public Relations Leads.

:grey_exclamation: Affiliate Requirements

:warning: IMPORTANT NOTICE: All of these requirements are required to be met before submitting an alliance application. If you are looking to seek an exception, please state so in your affiliate application.

➜ Group is required to have at least 1,000 non-botted and active group members.
➜ Group is required to have 200 non-botted and active discord members.
➜ Group is required to be professional, organized and well-rounded.
➜ Group must not be a war, military or police associated establishment.
➜ Group is required to not sell any assortment of ranks.
➜ Group is required to provide two representatives to be in our group and server.
➜ Group must be willing to announce events and applications as well as attend events.

:grey_question: Application Questions

:warning: IMPORTANT NOTICE: The best possible way to answer these questions is to simply copy and paste them onto a Google Document and write the answer(s) below.

[1] What is the title of the establishment you are requested an affiliation for?

[2] How many members does your Roblox Group and Communications Server obtain?

[3] Please provide your Roblox Group Link and Communications Server permenant invite link.

[4] Please list your two representatives contact information.

[5] What would you provide for Meraki throughout this partnership?

[6] What would Meraki provide for your respective establishment?

[7] What are you looking to benefit from through being affiliated with Meraki?

[8] Is your group seeking any exceptions? If not, please state “N/A”.

:palm_tree: Conclusion

:white_check_mark: Once again, we would like to thank you for being interested in establishing a partnership with Meraki! Keep in mind that our Public Relations Department will review your application and we will inform you of our final decision within 72 hours of your submission. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact a member of our Public Relations Department.

:page_facing_up: Approved and Written by Meraki Public Relations
:date: Last Updated December 19, 2024.