Meraki - Frequently Asked Questions

:ocean: Meraki Frequently Asked Questions

:memo: This section includes some of our more frequently asked questions that we receive. If you find that your question is unanswered in this document, feel free to contact an available member of our Staff Team.

Q1) When are training sessions hosted?

Training sessions are hosted every day at scheduled times located at our Training Center, check out the Session Schedule for the specific training times.

Q2) I’m currently a Customer, how do I get promoted?

You earn promotions by attending and passing trainings up to the rank of Senior Chef. Once you have reached the rank of Senior Chef, take a look at the Shift Leader Promotion Guide.

Q3) I’ve been an Senior Chef for awhile now, and I haven’t been promoted to Kitchen Leader. What should I be doing to get promoted?

Assuming you’ve thoroughly read the Kitchen Leader promotion guide, it is recommended that you’re working to the best of your abilities as much as you can and doing little things to personalize your interaction with customers. This can include using a unique, but appropriate greetings, and assisting any lower ranks that may need help learning about Meraki. We also recommend that you do not ask about the Kitchen Leader position so much as it may come off as a desperate attempt to be noticed, as it will harm your chances drastically for a potential advancement.

Q4) I passed my training, but I wasn’t promoted. What should I do?

In the unfortunate event that this happens, you are required to contact the staff member that passed you as soon as possible. If you cannot reach them, contact any of our management members about your situation, and we will look into it as quickly as we can. The best way to contact us is on our communications server.

Q5) I have safechat. Can I still train?

Yes you can! We permit those with safechat to train for a rank at Meraki!

:palm_tree: Conclusion

:white_check_mark: We hope that this document answered any of your inquiries! If not, we ask that you contact a member of our staff team.

:page_facing_up: Approved and Written by Meraki Leadership
:date: Last Updated December 19, 2024.