Merci | Training Guide


In this guide for Merci Juice Bar, you can find your lines for a training session. Below, is the official guide.

H = Host
CH = Co-Host
T = Trainer


Time: 15 minutes from now.
Info: A training session is being hosted at the training center. Trainee through Barista may join to move up a rank. MR+ may assist at this session.
@ Session Announcements

[Training Session] A training is being hosted in 15 minutes at the training center! Why not join for a job?


Co-Host Part: (Before session begins)
:pm admins Who is able to assist(train)?

At this time, the co host will select 1 trainer per 2 people who need to be trained. For example, if 2 people need to be trained, the co host will get 1 trainer. If 4 people need to be trained, the co host will select 2 trainers.

Host Part: (When session is ready to start)
:m Welcome to this session for Merci Juice Bar! My name is (name), and I’ll be your host for this session! Before we begin, I will be going over some rules!

:m At this session, if you are a Trainee, you will be training to become Junior Barista. If you are a Junior Barista, you will be training for Barista. If you are a Barista, you will be training to become a Senior Barista. Senior Barista will be spectating.

:m At this session, grammar is required. III+ (3+) grammar mistakes will result in I wrong answer.

:m Respect everyone around you at all times. Failure to do so will result in your removal from the session.

:m At this session, trainees will need 5 points to pass, JBs will need 6, and Baristas will need 7. If you do not meet your required points, you will fail. At this time, our co host will send each of you to a station with a trainer present. Good luck.

Co-Host Part:
Send each person who needs to be trained to a station. Divide it evenly and make sure there is a trainer at the station.

When everyone is ready; :m You may begin.

Trainer Part:
Hello! Welcome to this session for Merci! I’ll be your trainer today! Any questions?

Great! We will now begin!

Our moderation system works in its own unique way.

Trollers get I warning, then you should call an admin to kick them. After one kick, an HR should be called to ban them.

Spammers and bypassers should be banned. Call an HR if you encounter either of these.

Raiders and exploiters should be pbanned. Call an HR to pban them.

If you are unsure of anything, call an MR+ to assist you.

Our cafe system is friendly to everyone and very simple to opperate.

All recipes are located on the counter, under the machine.

Now that this is finished, I will ask you questions. You will get I point for each correct question.

Trainer Note- Say :change (name) p (amount of points they should have) if they get it right. For example, if I got 2 questions right, :change xHunt_er p 2

:pm (names) How many warnings do trollers get?
:pm (names) Where can you find recipes?
:pm (names) What is a proper greeting like?
:pm (names) What do you do to a raider or exploiter?
:pm (names) What do you do if someone is bypassing?
:pm (names) What do you do if someone is mass spamming?
:pm (names) What do you do if a customer needs help?

Great! Now, we will do simulations. I will ask for an order.

Please make the order, and head to your station.

May I please have a Strawberry Milkshake and a muffin?

Trainer Note- Use :viewtools (names) to see if they got the right order. If they got it right, they get I more point.

Great! Now that we’re done, please head to the lobby and wait for the others to finish. Our host and co-host will assist us soon!

Host and Co-Host Part:

H | :m Now that everyone is done, we will check everyone’s points. Trainees first.

Host and Co-Host should kick trainees that have less then 5 points with reason: Failed.

H | :m We will now rank the remaining trainees to Junior Barista, then kick them.

Host and Co-Host should rank the trainees that passed to Junior Barista, then kick them from the game with reason: Passed and ranked.

H | :m We will now move onto Junior Baristas.

Host and Co-Host should kick Junior Baristas that have less then 6 points with reason: Failed.

H | :m We will now rank the remaining Junior Baristas to Barista, then kick them.

Host and Co-Host should rank the Junior Baristas that passed to Barista, then kick them from the game with reason: Passed and ranked.

H | :m Now, we will check Baristas.

Host and Co-Host should kick Baristas that have less then 7 points with reason: Failed.

H | :m We will now rank the remaining Baristas to Senior Barista, then kick them.

Host and Co-Host should rank the Baristas that passed to Senior Barista, then kick them from the game with reason: Passed and ranked.

H | :m Thank you for coming. If you are still here, we will now do a photo.

Host should shut down after the photo is complete.