Mericot's Portfolio


Hey! I’m Mericot, I’m the age of 16, I’ve been building and terrain designs for 3+ years on Roblox. I’ve served for a few considerable groups within the SCPF genre.


I am available for 3-5 hours weekdays and 5-7 hours on weekends depending on what I am doing in my social life.

Prices are negotiable, I accept any payment methods as long as I receive the that has been negoiated.

You can contact me here on the Developer Forum, or on Discord Mericot#1001

Thank you for the time!


Really nice portfolio! I really love the cleanliness and detail you’ve put into the build. Good stuff!

The lighting is definitely very relaxing and brings a calm tone to the entire showcase. I really like the detail that you put into it. Keep it up!

Would recommend specify what your development position is as it might be confusing to some, you should change your title to something like "Mericot’s Builder Portfolio’. Also including that you’re a builder in the introduction so it’s clear.

Outstanding performance here by Mericot. Built me a great asylum and gave him a great compensation.

If you are in need of a veteran builder, he is your go to.


Your portfolio is great. You’ve put a lot of detail to the build. I love the lighting you put on the builds.

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