Mesh being imported at a weird offset


I’m trying to import an astronaut I made with an armature, so I can utilise the new skinned mesh feature. However, when I try to import it, the visor of the helmet is imported at a weird offset.


I set the visor’s parent relative to the helmet’s bone (which is fine in Blender) and made sure to apply all the transforms. If I try to set the visor’s parent relative to the helmet object, it’s imported correctly, but the bounding box is similar to where the visor is now, only behind the helmet instead.

Any help would be appreciated!


Check if you have a weld in your visor when imported it, that usually moves things
My recommendation is to import all at once, select all the object in Blender, export as “selected objects” and you will have only 1 file, which includes all different parts, and you import in asset manager or with a mesh importer plugin.

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There’s only the Motor6Ds for the joints. I’m importing via the custom option in the Avatar Importer plugin. I’ll grab a screenshot of what happens if I change the object’s parent relative to the point, to relative to the helmet object.

Edit: this is what happens when I import with the parent set to relative to the helmet It’s where it should be, but the hitbox isn’t for some strange reason.

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I managed to solve the issue by just setting the visor’s armature to the same as the rig with automatic weights, setting the weight of all the visor’s vertices to 1 for the head’s bone and to 0 for everything else.

I’m not sure if this is the correct way to go about it, or whether I just luckily found a workaround. I’ll mark this as the solution for anybody else having the same issue though, cheers @mutrix!