Mesh Bug in roblox studio!

Okay so I just noticed that some meshes in my world are looking very strange, some meshes are very thinn… and some didnt change in size at all. Some meshes even changed texture and I have no idea on why it happend but i beilve it could be because of last sunday outage. Because I havent joined my place since then. Also please reply if I created this topic in the wrong catergory.

Here are some screenshots:
Here is books that have thinned out covers which it should not have

And heres how they should look like (thicc covers)

Heres another thinned out mesh that should be completly round but looks like it have been steped on

And here the books look shiny for some reason

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This is normal to happen, especially when the Model is Smoothed.

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Maybe it’s a good idea to leave some of them flat. makes the game even lighter

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But how can I fix it? Is it even possible? And I havent encounterd this problem in months… Also what do you mean by smoothed, the texture is smoothplastic. Is that what you mean? Im so confused sory

But it looks hela ugly, messes up the light and even before that it wasnt that performance demanding

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Try putting it in plastic to see how it should look


I just tried it but still diesnt work, thanks for trying anyways :smile:

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hum, Smoothed should be the book model made in Blender or any other program

The book also has a very thin cover, which can also result in this

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i’m not sure but that might be the case

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But it did work before fine, for months… I just dont think thats it

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