Mesh Bug in roblox studio

Im reposting this because no my latest post didnt get much attention
Okay so I just noticed that some meshes in my world are looking very strange, some meshes are very thinn… and some didnt change in size at all. Some meshes even changed texture and I have no idea on why it happend but i beilve it could be because of last sunday outage. Because I havent joined my place since then. Also please reply if I created this topic in the wrong catergory.

I tried to open old saves where i remember that it worked but the meshes still loks wrong, and I really dont want redo/rearrange every mesh

Here are some screenshots:
Here is books that have thinned out covers which it should not have

And heres how they should look like (thicc covers)

Heres another thinned out mesh that should be completly round but looks like it have been steped on

And here the books look shiny for some reason


The fix is very, VERY simple.

All you need to do is go back into Blender, add an Edge Split modifier (Under Generate) to the mesh itself and tweak the angle a bit until you’re happy with your result. Then simply apply the modifier once you’re happy with the final product.

What does Edge Split do? It quite literally splits edges, preventing the Shade Smooth property from affecting split edges.

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I fixed it now, it was because the parts were all set to performance and not automatic or precise. But thanks anyway

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