Mesh contains more than 200 meshes error

Has anyone ever had this errror before and know the most efficient way to resolve it?

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You have over 200 meshes in 1 file. You need put some of your meshes in different files, and then import those files.

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Okay. Thanks. How do I put them into different files?

  1. Open your .blend/mesh file, presumably in Blender. We will be pasting from this Blender instance.
  2. Open another instance of Blender, which is completely blank. We will be pasting to this instance.

At this time, your desktop should look like this.

  1. In Object Mode, select any mesh you want to copy from. In this example, Iā€™m copying the monkey head. Next, either right click and click ā€œCopy Objectsā€, or press Ctrl + C.


Since you have over 200 meshes, I suggest you select more by holding Shift.


  1. In the empty Blender instance, we paste into it by either the right click context menu, or Ctrl + V.


  1. Save the new file, then close it. Open a new Blender instance.
  2. Hide the meshes you just copied by pressing H. This one is just for convenience.
  3. Repeat until you donā€™t have any more visible meshes in the old file.

I believe theres a simpler solution instead of opening a blender instance, you could just select whatever youā€™re exporting and then check the export selection box


Yeah, that works but now Iā€™m having problems with the ā€˜insert on locationā€™. For someone reason itā€™s not inserting the mesh where it appears in Blender compared to where it appears in studio. Do you have a solution for this issue?

You can just make a different file for selected objects, everytime before you export, select objects you want to export in 1 file, when you get to export phase, press this


and name the file and just export and import

It should look the same, just change size or anything

Thatā€™s the method Iā€™ve been using. But another issue occurs: when I click ā€˜import on locationā€™ it imports the mesh somewhere totally different than where the rest of the mesh is. Do you have a solution to this too?

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yeah just select the meshes you want to import (hold shift or control to select more) and then right click on one of em and import

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Tried that the issue still happens (it imports the mesh somewhere different than where it is in Blender).

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yea I donā€™t know bro, itā€™s fine for me