Mesh Deformation from Roblox Union

Hello. I have an accordion made within Roblox Studio, but due to the nature of Roblox’s weird wireframes and it being a non-Blender import, I’ve been struggling to get a two bone armature onto the mesh (union exported from Roblox Studio).

The issue at hand is that Blender cannot figure out how to add automatic weights to the bone, and the wireframe is just the union’s original wireframe, just subdivided. Therefore, due to an error in not being able to add weights, the bone has no effect on the mesh at all. I’ve tried weight painting but some regions couldn’t be fixed. I’ve been trying to get the accordion to stretch, shrink, and rotate via 2-4 bones to get the accordion effect desired.

Any tips and information is greatly appreciated, thank you!

Personally as I’ve had to face optimization of such unions while using Blender, to save yourself from sisyphus work I’d suggest creating a new mesh from scratch with the union serving as a reference.

Unfortunately unions have destructive tendencies for the part that you’re working on, kinda just how Boolean works. But in Roblox Studio you can’t see or neither precisely control the wireframe.

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